Aesthetic Mastery Consulting


Feeling Lost And Confused On
How To Grow Your Practice?

The aesthetics industry is changing... it's becoming a lot more competitive and now more than ever, you need to master sales & marketing. There's a million "online gurus" who are telling you what to do and how to do it, but the problem is they have never stepped foot into a med spa or plastic surgery practice. If you're sick & tired of wasting your hard earned money on "tricks & BS" then listen up, because I've worked in the industry for the last decade developing a tested and proven system to take your practice to the next level. When it comes to practice management, experience and expertise matter. We take a customized approach to each practice, working closely with clients to understand their unique goals and values.

Does This Sound Familiar?

Your Roadmap To Mastering The Art Of Aesthetics

We'll help you soar to new heights with our proven and tailored strategies, we're here to help you create the strong presence in the industry that your practice deserves. When it comes to practice management, experience and expertise matter. We take a customized approach to each practice, working closely with clients to understand their unique goals and values. Our services are tailored to your needs and we strive to deliver measurable results that help you achieve your business objectives.

Social Media

Sales Training

Business Development

"In the world of sales, there are hunters and there are gatherers. Lindsay is a hunter. She is armed with the hunger and tenacity to get challenging deals across the goal line. She knows how to execute, and knows how to teach others how to execute.”

- BeautyBlade Plastic Surgery

Why Work With Us?

Why You Should Choose
Aesthetic Mastery Consulting?

We provide a roadmap to mastering the art of aesthetics. Drawing on years of hands-on experience and cutting-edge strategies, we're here to accelerate your practice's success and influence in the aesthetic industry. Our services are tailored to your needs and we strive to deliver measurable results that help you achieve your business objectives.

$X Made

3 7 Figure Clients

3 Speaking Engagements

Free Consultation

We will analyze your current business including overall structure, monthly sales, social media presence and more to create a customized strategy that maximizes your reach and engagement.
After our initial consultation call, a business plan will be presented within one week with options to move forward together

Monthly Partnerships

3-Month Commitment: Our most popular and valuable option for practices looking to get the most out of their partnership as well as direct sales closed by an AMC representative
**month-to-month partnerships are also available with the option to cancel at any time. However, we recommend the 3-month commitment to ensure enough time to make meaningful change in your practice and to secure a free Consult Day**

Consult Day

One-time fee OR 10% of sales day of The perfect option for those looking for proof of concept before entering a monthly partnership
- 1.5 hour staff training on our one-of-a-kind Prescriptive Selling Method, immediately followed by 4.5 hours of 30-minute consults that we will perform and close with your staff
- Guarantee of 2/3 closing rate (*when certain prereqruisites are achieved*)
- Practices can expect to earn $15,000+ in a single Consult Day